Exclusive Offers
Hobart Holiday Promotions
We are committed to bringing you the best deals and offers right here on our website. As we have a limited number of guest rooms, we recommend booking as far in advance as possible to ensure you don’t miss out on staying with us and enjoying all that Hobart has to offer.
Penthouse Promo
Save up to 30% on a stunning 2 Bedroom Penthouse. Limited time only, unbeatable value!
Minimum 3-night stay.
This offer is pre-paid and non-refundable.
Pre-Pay & Save
Receive great discounts on all rooms when you pre-pay.
Pre-paid rates are non-refundable.
Exclusive offer.
Stay 3 Save 10%
Minimum 3 x consecutive nights.
Free cancellation up 24 hours prior to arrival.
Exclusive offer.
Stay 5 Save 20%
Minimum 5 x consecutive nights.
Free cancellation up 24 hours prior to arrival.
Exclusive offer.